Government launches NIS2 Quick Scan

On February 29, the central Dutch government launched the NIS2 Quick Scan, which allows organizations to prepare for the new European NIS2 directive. This directive is aimed at increasing the digital resilience of companies and organizations in the European Union.
The NIS2 Directive is designed for organizations that are seen as "vital" or "critical" to the functioning of society and the economy. The measures to be taken by these organizations require time and attention. Therefore, the central government advises organizations not to wait until legislation is in place, but to make preparations now.
IT and cybersecurity specialists and managers get a picture of the status of their organization's digital resilience after answering 40 yes/no questions. The scan also provides action perspectives: for each theme, technical or organizational measures are suggested that can contribute to the digital resilience of organizations and to preparing for NIS2.
The NIS2 (Network and Information Security Directive) is a European directive aimed at increasing digital resilience and limiting the consequences of cyber incidents in the EU. The NIS2 directive is currently being transposed into Dutch law under the coordination of the Ministry of Justice and Security in cooperation with the line ministries (with delays, incidentally).
The NIS2 Directive applies to companies and organizations operating in specific sectors and meeting certain criteria. The NIS2 Self Assessment allows organizations to assess whether they fall under the NIS2 Directive and whether they are considered " critical" or "vital."